One of our primary product KPIs is minimizing the time our users spend on the platform while creating well structued, up to date and accurate documentation that delivers a premium brand impression.

The manual process of creating well structured, accurate documentation that delivers a brand impression is fraught with pain-points. If you look at the median SaaS company’s knowledge base – you can see the neglect – born out of frustration with the process.

All of these pain-points add up to a lot of time that we want to give our users back.

With surgical precision, we are addressing each individual documentation pain-point across our platform experience.

With surgical precision, we are addressing each individual documentation pain-point across our platform experience.

How DocsHound’s AI generates documentation automatically

It goes without saying that writing documentation from scratch is no fun. Typically, you may stare at a blank screen for a long time. You might make an outline. You might write a paragraph or two, trying to write in an appropriately friendly voice. You may go back to your outline realizing it does not make sense. You will certainly get transported back to high school & college memories that you would prefer to forget.

There are two methods of generating documentation in DocsHound that remove this pain.

The first is a Guided Q&A feature. Here, DocsHound asks you questions about your platform that are relevant to the specific doc you are trying to write. All you have to do is answer DocsHound’s questions with as much context as possible.

The insight we tapped into when ideating on this feature is that explaining something you know intimately – or even may have built yourself – is a whole lot easier than thinking about how to transform that information from your brain into a manual. For those who prefer to explain via speech, DocsHound’s guided Q&A feature works with voice.